Author: PvB Bets

  • Properly Managing Your Bankroll

    Properly Managing Your Bankroll

    I want to start by asking you three questions: 1. Do you have a set unit size? 2. Does a majority of your portfolio contain straight plays? 3. Do you track your progress/plays? If you can’t say yes to each and every one of these questions, you may not be managing your bankroll well. I’ve… Read more

  • Who is PvB Bets?

    Who is PvB Bets?

    Hey all! I am PvB Bets and I have been in the sports gambling business for about 3 years now. When I started I had very little idea how to responsibly manage my bankroll and how to properly evaluate value in betting. Since day 1 I have been a sponge – soaking up everything there… Read more